Each photograph is offered in a limited edition of 5 copies, printed on Fine Art Paper, numbered and signed by the author, several formats are available according to your requirements. All prints are authenticated by a certificate in which appears the name of the buyer, the number of the print in the series, the printing technique, support and format.
Please reach out to inquire about purchases or commissions, to ask a question, or to tell me about something interesting, or just to say hey.
每幅摄影作品限量五张(所有尺寸都包括在内,所有作品都以高质量Fine Art纸张打印),每张作品都有序号标记,并且有艺术家签名。 同时每幅作品都附有一张身份证明,标有作品序列号,买家姓名,作品信息,尺寸,打印技术以及购买日期等。